ClonerAlliance Screen-Cloner Application

Release Date
Windows: 1.10.101Jan 22, 202519.2MB
  1. Optimized internal audio recording for stable and synchronized sound capture.
  2. Fixed various bugs to enhance overall system stability and performance.

Download Windows version

Mac OS version

Windows: 1.10.100Sep 20, 202418.8MB
  1. Optimized internal audio recording to ensure stable and synchronized sound capture.
  2. Improved compatibility with multi-monitor setups for smoother screen recording transitions.
  3. Fixed an issue where certain scheduled recordings would not start on time.
  4. Enhanced the UI for a more intuitive and seamless user experience.
  5. Resolved occasional crashes when recording high-bitrate videos for extended periods.
Mac OS: 1.10.101Feb 13, 202557.6MB
  1. Fixed various bugs to enhance overall system stability and performance.
  2. Resolved an issue where the “missing blackhole” window was incorrectly displayed at the start of recording.

Mac OS version

Mac OS: 1.10.100Sep 23, 202473.5MB
  1. Fixed an issue where certain scheduled recordings would not start on time.
  2. Enhanced the UI for a more intuitive and seamless user experience.