Run ClonerAlliance Helper. Open a physical camera under the “Record” interface and make sure the preview screen is working normally. Or add a video capture device under the “Live” interface and make sure the preview screen is working normally. It is recommended to modify the device settings to the highest resolution so that the virtual camera can achieve the highest image quality.
Open the camera in the 3rd party application, which is called “ClonerAlliance Virtual Camera”.
If the following prompt appears when the camera is launched in the 3rd party program, it indicates that the main program ClonerAlliance Helper has not been started. Please start it first.
The Windows App does not support the virtual camera program. You need to install the corresponding Windows program to use the virtual camera normally.
Some software programs will prohibit the use of virtual cameras for security reasons, and virtual cameras cannot be used in these programs.
If you’ve installed ClonerAlliance Helper 32-bit, but the third-party program is 64-bit, then the third-party program will be unable to find the virtual camera. So you need to install the same system version of ClonerAlliance Helper and third-party program.